Assessment & Testing Office Building Structure & Warehouse PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk. Lhokseumawe, Aceh
PT Krama Yudha Ratu Motor is a factory part of the Krama Yudha Mitsubishi Group, as a Mitsubishi vehicle assembly plant in Indonesia, located in East Jakarta. In the factory there is a painting booth under which there is a ventury tank. This ventury …
Grand ITC Permata Hijau is located in one of the elite residential areas in Jakarta. An integrated shopping destination within the area where people come to work, trade and shop. Grand ITC Permata Hijau was built as a s…
The PLN Crusher House building in Sawah Lunto, Padang has long been established and operated. This building is a building located in the PLN Sawah Lunto area. This building has been operating for about ± 26 years. Due to the increasing need, the Crus…
Sinjai Pharmacy building is still under construction. Currently, the construction process of the building has been temporarily suspended due to defects in the beam, column and plate elements that have been cast. Therefo…
PT Asuransi Bangun Askrida, or commonly known as “Askrida”, was established by the government of the Republic of Indonesia as a state-owned company (BUMN) that offers insurance protection against all risks and losses…
Bangunan Office Sampoerna Area Karawang memiliki 4 Area yaitu Primary white (PP white), Secondary Primary White (SPM), Primary Processing (PP Kretek), Secondary Processing (SKM). Setiap Gedung memiliki jenis struktur ya…
Assessment Tower jam Kebon sirih atau biasanya juga di kenal sebagai Tugu Jam MH Thamrin lyang merupakan simpang empat yang terletak di pusat kota Jakarta, membentang dari Bundaran HI di ujung selatan ke bundaran dekat …