New Jogjakarta International Airport is located in Temon Sub-district, Kulon Progo Regency, currently still in the process of construction but many cracks are found on the floor plate, therefore to ensure the condition of the floor plate elements are in good condition or not, so it is necessary to test the plate the floor. Therefore the New Jogjakarta International Airport, Jogjakarta needs to do a structural inspection (Forensic Assessment including NDT Testing). It is very necessary to know the actual condition of the cracks on the floor plate. The test carried out is a special examination in the form of a Non-Destructive Test (NDT). PT Graha Survey Indonesia is tasked with carrying out these inspections with the aim of obtaining information on the width of cracks and cracks that occur in existing structures.
The purpose of this inspection is to identify the actual condition of the building structure. While the purpose of this activity is to get a picture of the actual condition of the structure in the field.
The objectives of this activity are:
- Obtain information on the condition of building elements by conducting a special inspection.
- Obtain information on crack widths and crack depths that occur in existing structures.