Kota Baru Parahyangan is a city developed by PT. Lyman Property (Lyman Group). The city was formed in 2002. It is located in Padalarang, West Bandung Regency. Brau Parahyangan City, as a satellite city, has a unique design that is different from other new cities, namely by presenting a vision and spirit as EDUCATIONAL CITY, which will contribute to all residents and people of Bandung. This education spirit will be spread throughout the entire project, both master plan and segmental, which also places formal institutions such as schools and universities or informally, by presenting themed parks, centers of science and technology. Independent city development will accommodate several functions related to each other such as residential buildings consisting of low, medium and high density housing, condominiums, apartments, town houses, which are equipped with business city facilities such as office parks, open malls, hotels, retail, etc. Kota Baru Parahiyangan has several bridges, one of which is Jembatan 5 Kota Baru Parahiyangan. Bridge 5 is located in Kota Baru Parahiyangan, Padalarang, Bandung, Indonesia. This bridge is an area that will be tested, in the form of visual testing, static loading, and dynamic loading.
The purpose of the test is to obtain information about the actual condition of the existing bridge structure elements by conducting a special inspection. It is necessary to know the actual condition of the New 5 Parahiyangan Bridge structure after its service life as a reference for preliminary data and to obtain an appropriate evaluation of the structure of the New 5 Parahiyangan Bridge 5 based on the test results.
The purpose of this inspection is to determine the bridge’s reaction to the load according to plan. While the purpose of this activity is to get the results of the bridge response to the test load.
The objectives of this activity are:
- Obtain information on the condition of structural elements from visual inspection.
- Conduct evaluation of conditions from the results of visual inspection and loading test.
- Suggestions are based on the results of visual inspection and loading tests.