Assessment & Testing Merah Putih Bridge Ambon

Merah Putih bridge is the Cable Stayed Bridge located in Ambon City, Maluku Province, Indonesia. This bridge stretches the Bay in Ambon Island, which connects Rumah Tiga Village (Poka) in Sirimau District on the north side, and Hative Kecil / Galala Village in Ambon Bay District on the south side. This bridge is the longest bridge in Eastern Indonesia, is part of the overall layout of Ambon City, and has become an icon of Ambon city. Jembatan Merah Putih was built on July 17, 2011 and was inaugurated on April 4, 2016.

The Merah Putih bridge has been in operation for several years. Inspection of the bridge was carried out after the bridge was operated and found several indications of seepage on the Bridge Pylon. Therefore to ensure the condition of the structural elements in good condition or not, it is necessary to consider the structure of the bridge. The test carried out is a special examination in the form of Non-Destructive Test (NDT) Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test. The examinations aim to evaluate the area by conducting assessments and testing to be able to provide recommendations for proper handling. 

The purpose of this examination is to identify the actual condition of structural and bridge elements. While the purpose of this activity is to get recommendations for proper handling of the Bridge Structure.

The objectives of this activity are:

  • Obtain information on the condition of structural elements from visual inspection and special inspection.
  • Conduct an evaluation of the condition of the results of visual inspection and special checks conducted.
  • Suggestions and recommendations based on the results of structural element testing.