Victory Chingluh Indonesia JV3 is a company that has been recognized as one of the largest Sports shoes companies in Indonesia and has been calculated internationally to create leading brands such as Nike & Adidas. Experience and good reputation in this industry is proven by continuing to innovate by utilizing the latest technology.
Victory Chingluh was founded in 1969, and for more than 49 years the Chingluh Group has built its business reputation and technical capabilities starting from Taiwan and developing its business with world class in China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Chingluh Group has a total of 12 factories in Asia – in China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. With details of 7 factories in China, 3 factories in Vietnam and 2 factories in Indonesia.
To further increase productivity and improve product quality PT. Victory Chingluh Indonesia JV3 plans to add one more factory to operate, namely the JV3 Plant in Pasar Kemis, Tangerang. But, for the current condition of the factory building is in the reconstruction phase, but due to the lack of as built drawings data of the existing building and other supporting data that needs to be fully tested against the building structure. Therefore, it is necessary to do a full structural inspection (Forensic Assessment including NDT and DT Testing and Structure Analysis) as a whole building from foundation to upper structure. It is very necessary to know the actual condition of each element of the building structure. Tests carried out are special examinations in the form of visual inspection, Non-Destructive Test (NDT) and Destructive Test (DT) and structural analysis based on the results of field data. PT. The Survey Graha is assigned to carry out the inspection with the aim of evaluating the area by conducting an assessment and testing to be able to provide recommendations for proper handling as a guideline for carrying out reconstruction of the building.
The purpose of this inspection is to identify the actual condition of the building structure. While the purpose of this activity is to get a picture of the actual condition of the structural capacity in the field.
The objective of this activity are:
- Obtain the information of building elements condition by conducting a visual and special inspection,
- Obtain the information of structural elements condition as initial building data
- Obtain the evaluation of building structure testing results
- Provide recommendations based on the results of the engineering evaluation.